Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
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Secretariat updates

24 Dec 2021

ASPHER wishes you a very happy, healthy and peaceful holiday season and New Year. We hope you have a chance to unplug and recharge ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead in 2022! Please enjoy the final ASPHER 2021 newsletter!

25 Nov 2021
ASPHER's Statement:  Waive Vaccine Intellectual Property Rights Now has been adopted by the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) and the Global Network for Academic Public (GNAPH) Read the Summary statement below and...
24 Nov 2021
Download the October - November ASPHER Newsletter here! We open our newsletter this month with a photo referencing the children’s game of Ring around the Rosie. It is debated whether or not the rhyme associated with the game has its origin in...
10 Nov 2021
Since March 2021, the world’s leaders have expressed a desire to “build back better,” reflecting a desire to see an enhanced post-pandemic world and the need to improve and protect health by being better prepared to respond to future...
9 Nov 2021
Be sure to catch ASPHER events at the 14th European Public Health Conference this week:
Wed 10, 09:00-12:40 CET: EVAL Pre-conference: Developments in Economic Evaluation in Healthcare (EUPHA-HTA, ASPHER WG on Economic Evaluation in Healthcare - EEHE)

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