by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.SECRETARIAT UPDATES
Task Force on War and Public Health
In response to the war in Ukraine, ASPHER has convened a Task Force on War. The Task Force will focus on three key areas: 1) Scientific advisement; 2) Neighboring countries and refugee context; 3) Training and broader academic context
New publication:
Paltiel O, Manor O, Calderon Margalit R, et al. Children on the Gaza-Israel Border: Victims of War. Public Health Reviews 2024; 45. https://www.ssph-journal.org/journals/public-health-reviews/articles/10.3389/phrs.2024.1607192
ASPHER Mission to Israeli and Palestinian Member Schools
In February 2024, ASPHER Task for on War and Public Health Chair, Prof Oliver Razum led an ASPHER Delegation to Israeli and Palestinian ASPHER Member Schools.
Read an interview with Oliver Razum about the mission here.
UNRWA: United Nations Relief and Works Agency (for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East), by Manfred Green, Haifa University
Epidemiological situation in Gaza, by Hazem Agha, Al Quds University
Statement of the ASPHER Task Force on War and Public Health on the Conflict in Israel/Palestine
ASPHER and the ASPHER Task Force on War reflect on one year of Russia's War on Ukraine
Link to the blog reflecting on one year of war in Ukraine.
Seminar Series (Part II): Public Health in Times of War
When: 19 Oct 2022 - 30 Nov 2022
The seminars are held on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:00 (CEST) via Zoom.
Download the Series flyer here: https://www.aspher.org/download/1242/seminar_series_public-health-and-war_06-10-22.pdf
The seminar series has ended, but our speakers kindly agreed to share their slides. You can access them here.
Available recordings from the 2nd edition of the seminar series:
Public Health as a Moral Third by Dr Yudit Namer
Hatred as a disease by Prof Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish
Public Health and Militarism by Prof Dr John Middleton
Ukrainian Health Care Center report:
Massive. Brutal. Deliberate. Attacks on Hospitals in the Russia-Ukraine War during the First Phase of the Invasion (February 24-April 7, 2022). A Report by the Ukrainian Healthcare Center
Publication series in Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarzadzanie:
Bochenik T, Balwicki L. Otok R. Introduction.
Senyta I, Public health law and the war in Ukraine: Present and lessons for the future.
Guschuk I, Oleksiuk N. Overview of the state of the Ukrainian healthcare system since the start of the war.
Lopes H. ASPHER in the Ukraine War: An Ethical Mission.
Bochenik T, Chambaud L, Lozen O. Perspective of schools of public health on war in Ukraine - reactions to militaty conflict in Europe and international cooperation.
Cunningham C, Wanschneider L. Framing public health education to meet the needs of professionals for war and peacebuilding: A commentary.
Special Meeting:
Friday 20 May, 09h00 until 15h30, Gdansk and Zoom
The Medical University of Gdansk and ASPHER held a special meeting on the War in Ukraine and Public Health. Speakers included university colleagues from Ukraine and members of the ASPHER Task Force on War. Discussions explored the War impact on public health; Public health needs in Ukraine and in other European countries and world-wide; how SPHs can respond; and Public Health Curriculum adaptations.
The role of Europe’s Schools of Public Health in times of war: ASPHER statement on the war against Ukraine
Access the statement here: https://www.ssph-journal.org/articles/10.3389/phrs.2022.1604880/full
Download translated versions of the statement here.
Scientific advisement
A Roadmap to Developing ASPHER Technical Guidance Notes on War and Health (10 May 2022)
ASPHER Statement on Food Security: 5 + 5 + 5 Points for Improving Food Security in the Context of the Russia-Ukraine War. An Opportunity Arising From the Disaster?
Neighboring contries and refugee context
Training and broader academic context
Henrique Lopes, John Middleton and Oliver Razum. Preparing for what we abhor: an obligation of public health professionals. Lancet. 2022;399(10342):p2187 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00889-3
Seminar Series (Part I): Public Health in Times of War (registration link: https://bit.ly/3vvSSQD)
Seminar Series (Part II): Public Health in Times of War (registration link: https://uni-bielefeld.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lUVk3idXT8-GZgxIYgGOdw )
If you wish to join the Task Force, please contact ASPHER Secretariat.
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Aspher SecretariatUM Brussels Campus
Av de l'Armée / Legerlaan 10
BE-1040 Brussels