by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
ASPHER has updated our awards policy and is launching a call for nominations! We will keep the signature Andrija Štampar Medal and the ASPHER Good Practice award has been updated with new criteria - now becoming the ASPHER Teaching & Practice Excellence Award. Additionally we have two new awards: ASPHER Research Excellence Award and ASPHER Early Career Excellence Award. Keep reading for more details andnominate your colleagues and peers for one of the four ASPHER awards listed below! Send us your nomination/s by Monday 5 September accompanied by a short endorsement letter to office@aspher.org.
Download a PDF version of this announcement here.
Andrija Štampar Medal
The Andrija Štampar Medal recognizes outstanding lifetime achievements in the public health teaching, research or practices of an esteemed individual within the public health community. Nominees do not need to be a current or past faculty member of an ASPHER member school.
Nominations should include a description of the nominee’s outstanding contributions in:
- Demonstrating leadership in advancing health equity, member-focus, diversity, integrity, corporate-citizenship, Europe-centred global outlook and/or meaningful work (ASPHER core values) in the fields of academic public health research, teaching and practice.
- Demonstrating national and/or international visibility of the accomplishments within and outside scientific community.
- Lasting, equitable and sustainable contributions in advancing public health teaching, community-building, implementation and research.
ASPHER Research Excellence Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievements in public health research. It is given annually to an individual – on behalf of their research team – primarily affiliated with an ASPHER member school.
Nominations should include a description of the nominee’s outstanding contributions in:
- Demonstrating leadership in advancing health equity, member-focus, diversity, integrity, corporate-citizenship, Europe-centred global outlook and/or meaningful work (ASPHER core values) in the field of academic public health research.
- Outstanding exemplary and documented scholarly accomplishments in form of a notable record of success.
- Innovative research advancing the research mission of the field of public health and improving the health of communities they serve.
- Demonstrating national and/or international visibility of the accomplishments.
ASPHER Teaching & Practice Excellence Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievements in public health teaching and practice of a School of Public Health within the ASPHER community. It is given to an ASPHER member school or ASPHER-member programme of public health.
Nominations should include a description of the nominated SPH outstanding contributions in:
- Demonstrating leadership in advancing health equity, member-focus, diversity, integrity, corporate-citizenship, Europe-centred global outlook and/or meaningful work (ASPHER core values) in the field of academic public health teaching or practice.
- Documented engagement beyond the immediate School of Public Health (SPH), e.g. through collaborative work with several SPHs (within the ASPHER community).
- Demonstrating national and/or international visibility of the institution.
- Innovative, creative efforts in education or practice to overcome obstacles (e.g. political, societal, teaching-related) in challenging settings.
ASPHER Early Career Excellence Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of teaching, research, or practice of early career individuals. It is given annually to a maximum of five individuals that are primarily affiliated with an ASPHER member school. Early career positions considered for this award include up to assistant/associate professors.
Nominations should include a description of the nominee’s outstanding contributions in:
- Demonstrating leadership in advancing health equity, member-focus, diversity, integrity, corporate-citizenship, Europe-centred global outlook and/or meaningful work (ASPHER core values) in the field of academic public health teaching, research or practice.
- Outstanding exemplary and documented scholarly accomplishments in form of a notable record of success.
- Innovative research, teaching or practice advancing the mission of the field of public health and improving the health of communities they serve.
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