by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
Download the June 2022 ASPHER Newsletter here!
ASPHER Secretariat is even more impatient to see members in person at the ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat which will be a hybrid event from 14-16 October held in Sofia, Bulgaria and on Zoom. Be sure to save the dates!
There have been some exciting updates to ASPHER’s annual awards including two new awards in research and early career excellence as well as an update to the good practice award. Of course the Andrija Stampar Medal remains as our highest distinction! We are calling on you to make nominations!
You can’t have missed past reporting from the COVID-19 Task Force now chaired by Nadav Davidovitch, Ben Gurion University and since February ASPHER has convened a Task Force on War led by Oliver Razum, Bielefeld University. We have now added the ASPHER-WHO Professionalisaiton of the Public Health Workforce Task Force under the direction of Past-President Kasia Czabanowska, University of Maastricht. And ASPHER Fellows, Rana Orhan and Tara Chen have established a working group on Climate and Health. All these groups have meetings coming up in the near future – please get in touch with ASPHER Secretariat if a representative from your programme would like to join!
We also have many ongoing and upcoming activities with our young and early career professionals. We have welcomed ASPHER Intern Tessa Brake from Bielefeld University at ASPHER office in Brussels! The ASPHER Young Researchers’ Forum was held on Thursday 9 June and another edition is expected during the EPH Conference in Berlin. The YPP & ASSETS Meeting is also coming up and will be held in person at ASPHER Brussels headquarters from 7-9 July. This summer we also expect to welcome an incoming cohort for the Young Professionals Programme (YPP). Make sure your students, post-docs, junior faculty and recent graduates are aware of all these great opportunities!
Finally, don’t miss all the other ASPHER, Member, and Partner news and opportunities!
Best wishes,
ASPHER Secretariat (Robert, Lore, Tatiana and Tessa)
Please don’t forget to share your news, publications, comments & suggestions with Lore at lore.leighton@aspher.org to be included in the next regular issue of the newsletter and onthe ASPHER website activity log.
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Aspher SecretariatUM Brussels Campus
Av de l'Armée / Legerlaan 10
BE-1040 Brussels