by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
In the past few months, the thematic network for the EU Policy Platform on “Climate action through public health education and training” has been working on a one-voice joint statement of European stakeholders.
Thank you for all your support throughout the process from the brainstorming to endorsement period. We are happy to share the final copy of the Joint Statement “Moving towards the right to ‘health for all’ by training the public health and wider health workforce on climate change and health” for your distribution. The final version of the statement was presented on May 5th at the EU Health Policy Platform.
We received comments from DG SANTE, DG CLIMA, and the European Environment Agency that highlighted and acknowledged:
- The Joint Statement is well-substantiated and timely, clearly stating the urgency for action in both adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the health sector, with the focus on education and training.
- It provides a clear emphasis on the need to integrate climate change and the one health concept into the education and training of health professionals
- Raising awareness among the health professionals about climate change impacts on human health emerges as an important objective for the European Climate and Health Observatory
- The overall emphasis on ‘health for all’ and equity aspects is very much in line with the principles of the EU climate policy framework and the approach taken by the European Climate and Health Observatory
- We found the list of supporting organisations impressive and we like the emphasis on training and education on ‘climate health’ for public health and healthcare professionals, and the concrete actions proposed in this respect
- We very much hope that the finalisation of the Joint Statement is the beginning of a new way of working on training and education of professionals and we hope that this collaboration will continue and create synergy with the European climate and Health Observatory
- Finally, we would like to congratulate and thank ASPHER and all organisations participating in the drafting/endorsement of the Joint Statement
The joint statement has been the first successful attempt to involve the stakeholder community around this topic with the aim at creating synergy with existing policies. We are grateful for your contributions and we are excited to share the launch of the statement.
Opportunities ahead:
- Continue to stay updated through the EU Health Policy Platform! If you have not registered, our thematic network has shifted to an Exchange Network. You can join us at any time to network with others in the network.
- ASPHER Climate-Health Networking Event (July 7th from 17.00-21.00 CEST). Join us in-person at the ASPHER headquarters to build on the joint statement and explore next collaborative steps. Please RSVP here by Friday 1 July!
If you have any questions, please reach out to ASPHER Fellows Tara Chen (tara.chen@aspher.org) or Rana Orhan (rana.orhan@aspher.org).
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