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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
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4 Jun 2024
The World Health Organisation has just launched a suite of papers from its two-year programme “Building the national workforce for essential public health functions (EPHFs): A Roadmap for aligning WHO and partner contributions. The introductory...
29 May 2024
Download the statement PDF here. The role of the public health community is to prevent disease, disability, injury, and death. The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) has expressed grave concern about the horrific...
24 May 2024
ASPHER endorses the statement of one its members, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), in its call to ignore misinformation and unite against pandemic threat.  We agree that attacks on the draft pandemic agreement and the...

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Folder: COVID-19 Communications/covid slideshows | Files in folder: 21
File name DescriptionFile sizeModification date Download
05122022 Monitoring Death Notices During the Pandemic, John Flanagan, CSO, v21.7 MB 22.02.2023
A(H5N1) Flu-revised1.3 MB 15.03.2023
ASPHER- MPVX Jan 26 2023 MSH-Final603.3 KB 06.02.2023
ASPHER_Korean Masks_Jan 2023_JHHyun6.9 MB 18.01.2023
Blood Donors as Sentinel Population v3.pdf4.3 MB 16.02.2022
ECDC aspher presentation WGS EA1.8 MB 16.02.2022
EPHW20220517119.3 KB 08.06.2022
Excess_Mortality-PC3 MB 22.02.2023
future challenges1.5 MB 07.06.2023
Immunogenicity and SARS-CoV-2451.9 KB 16.05.2023
Infodemic _ Implications for Vaccine Hesitancy2 MB 08.06.2022
Introduction_ASPHER_RKI_Anton762.8 KB 23.08.2023
Long COVID update 9th June 20222.5 MB 15.06.2022
Mask-Mandates-healthcare-workers-TK190.3 KB 14.06.2023
Planning_for_an_outbreak_of_health-Middleton27.3 MB 17.05.2021
SPires_ASPHER Meeting_28June 20231.2 MB 23.08.2023
Thesis-PC-Summary725.4 KB 22.02.2023
Vaccine hesitancy understanding rejection9.8 MB 08.06.2022
Vaccine sub-group overview2622166.2 KB 08.06.2022
vaccine-hesitancy-pregnancy-SL7.6 MB 14.06.2023

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