Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
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3 Feb 2025
Download the PDF version of this statement here. The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) expresses its concern regarding President Trump's executive order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization...
8 Jan 2025
ASPHER Public Health Emergencies Task Force Statement Could the continuing Mpox epidemic threat in Africa lead to  the next pandemic if urgent global action is not sustained? part of ASPHER Epidemic Emergencies Lessons Learned Series 13 December...
6 Dec 2024
This 10-session course aims to explore how health systems contribute to climate change, with the healthcare sector responsible for nearly 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This course will cover essential...

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COVID-19, European Coordinated Response to the pandemic
ASPHER Statement on Masks
ASPHER Statement on Testing
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EHESP Bulletin
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Global Governance
SPHs reopening
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Pandemic Treaty
Folder: COVID-19 Communications | Files in folder: 22
File nameDescriptionFile size Modification date Download
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Georgian85.8 KB 03.04.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Polish78.4 KB 30.04.2020
Web resources Spain66.5 KB 30.03.2020
ASPHER-Lockdown-induced illnesses568.1 KB 18.12.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Spanish563.4 KB 31.03.2020
ASPHER_weekly_situation_report_19_07_2021-final534.4 KB 25.07.2021
Portugal: One Month in Times of COVID-1952.4 KB 06.04.2020
ASPHER-COVID19-Herd-Immunity462.2 KB 02.12.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Arabic4.2 MB 05.05.2020
COVID19-Vitamin_D-ASPHER382 KB 30.11.2020
ASPHER-planning-for-winter-July2020364.8 KB 29.07.2020
Le plan de continuité d’activité (PCA) de l’EHESP

Un plan de continuité d’activité (PCA) décrit les dispositions qui sont prévues pour garantir, à une organisation, la continuité ou la reprise de ses activités à la suite d’un sinistre ou d’un événement perturbant gravement son fonctionnement normal. Pour l’EHESP, sur l’ensemble des risques identifiés par rapport à la continuité de service, le risque retenu comme le plus grave est une épidémie/pandémie provoquée par un virus émergent. 

311.9 KB 16.03.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Portuguese

Declaração da ASPHER sobre a nova Doença por Coronavírus (COVID-19) A emergência de um surto

225.8 KB 30.03.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - French

Déclaration de l’Association des Ecoles de Santé Publique de la Région Européenne (ASPHER) sur la nouvelle explosion épidémique liée au coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

225.7 KB 30.03.2020
A Pandemic of International Cooperation Slideshow21.5 MB 31.05.2020
lockdown-guidelines-21-01xls21.3 KB 21.01.2021
Demographic science aids in understanding the spread and fatality rates of COVID-192 MB 19.03.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Italian201.4 KB 15.04.2020
COVID19 lockdown rules17.4 KB 31.12.2020
ASPHER COVID19 Statement - Russian167.7 KB 22.05.2020

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