Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Home » Aspher directory » Kazakhstan School of Public Health
Almaty, Kazakstan
00 7 727 3378011
Almaty, Kazakstan
00 7 727 3378011
Kazakhstan School of Public Health
Almaty, Kazakstan
00 7 727 3378011
Almaty, Kazakstan
00 7 727 3378011
Uniqueness is attached to Kazakhstan school of public health by the fact, that it is rather autonomous and independent as it is not a part of any university, but is separate organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accomplishing postgraduate training and retraining of medical workers on various aspects of public health. It is one of the first institutions of such profile at the territory of NIS and only in Central-Asian Region (CAR).
Despite all difficulties and obvious barriers, after the lapse of rather big time period we may confidently verify that Kazakhstan School of Public Health could become leading training and research center, realizing a mission of providing new ideas, scientific knowledge and practical skills to chiefs of the medical organizations of all levels (republican, oblast, urban, rayon), to specialists of primary section of healthcare, to government officials of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Current time KSPH fixedly holds leading positions in sphere of training on public health and conducting research studies in that sphere within the region.
Kazakhstan School of Public Health (KSPH) was established by Regulation of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan #1142 from 21 July, 1997 in Almaty accordingly to Agreement between European Regional Bureau of WHO and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18 October, 1996. 18 November of 2000 School of Public Health was renamed to «High School of Public Health» (HSPH). The School was established with purpose of training and retraining of public health specialists, advanced training of chiefs of healthcare organs and organizations on issues of management, marketing, economy under conditions of healthcare reforming.
Uniqueness is attached to Kazakhstan school of public health by the fact, that it is rather autonomous and independent as it is not a part of any university, but is separate organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accomplishing postgraduate training and retraining of medical workers on various aspects of public health. It is one of the first institutions of such profile at the territory of NIS and only in Central-Asian Region (CAR).
Despite all difficulties and obvious barriers, after the lapse of rather big time period we may confidently verify that Kazakhstan School of Public Health could become leading training and research center, realizing a mission of providing new ideas, scientific knowledge and practical skills to chiefs of the medical organizations of all levels (republican, oblast, urban, rayon), to specialists of primary section of healthcare, to government officials of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Current time KSPH fixedly holds leading positions in sphere of training on public health and conducting research studies in that sphere within the region.
The mission of the KMU “KSPH” – is to provide an integrated approach to training of highly qualified competitive specialists in the healthcare system, their continuous professional development based on the integration of education, science and practice.
To be the leading educational, research, coordination and methodological center in the New Public Health system. Ensure health managers institute development, implementation of the national policy on healthcare development and public health care as part of the social medical insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
To be the center of the introduction and transfer of international standards of management and economics in medical care and advanced medical technologies.
Strategic Objectives:
To ensure the quality of training competent, competitive, innovative, knowledgeable, professionals that provide health services, in accordance with national and international standards of quality and safety in the new public health.
To become the Center that carries out scientific research in the fields of education, medicine and public health, aimed at the formation of a New Public Health at both country and regional levels.
Become a center that carries out scientific research in the fields of education, medicine and public health, aimed at the formation of new public health at both the country and regional levels.
Introduction of innovative management systems and quality management in the field of higher, postgraduate and continuing medical education, practical health care based on the trinity of science, education and practice.
To provide a methodological basis for the formation of an effective and sustainable system of corporate governance in enterprises with subsequent training of specialists at all levels.
To create innovative, scientific, educational and clinical cluster of a full cycle with its own laboratory, clinical base and multidisciplinary training center.
To organize an expert and consulting center on public health, modernize and prioritize the development of PHC within the framework of social medical insurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
To actively participate in public policy matters concerning the further development of healthcare infrastructure, based on public-private partnership.
To further advance international partnership with the world’s leading medical universities, schools of public health and scientific centers.
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