Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Home » Aspher directory » Faculty 11: Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen
UNIVERSITY: Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Faculty 11: Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen
UNIVERSITY: Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Key Objectives
The well-being and self-determination of people in their various life and work settings are the central focus of research and education in Faculty 11 (below abbreviated with FB 11).
The Human and Health Sciences pick up on these objectives and make them the object of research, education, career training, and knowledge transfer.
Key Objectives: Research
Well-being and self-determination relate to the material, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social needs of people and their capacity for self-organization, self-regulation and accountability. In Faculty 11 these objectives are approached via
- research projects
- the acquisition of knowledge, capabilities and methodological skills in teaching and learning
- knowledge transfer in regional, national, and international contexts and
- services of administration and support staff.
The key objectives in Faculty 11 encompass the following thematic fields:
- clinical psychology, business psychology, neuropsychology, forensic psychology, methods and evaluation
- health economics, health sector management, health promotion and prevention, health-care research, epidemiology, sociology of health
- research on care provision, interdisciplinary gerontology and nursing research, research on nursing qualifications and curricula
The members of Faculty 11 initiate knowledge transfer in the frame of sustainable cooperation with the practice on regional, national, and international context.
Key Objectives: Teaching and Learning
The aims of teaching and learning in Faculty 11 are academic education and preparation for future careers. Besides fostering requisite core competences and expertise in applying methods, a special focus is put on inter-professionalism and interdisciplinarity as well as on organisational competence and communication skills.
Faculty 11 creates the requisite conditions to enable students to flexibly design their studies to fit their individual needs. To be successful, such an approach calls for a study environment that fosters students' work ability and sense of self-responsibility as well as sufficient possibilities for self-study, work in small groups, and research-based learning.
The teaching faculty counsel individual students and student groups, offering support in all aspects of their studies. Education in Faculty 11 promotes critical thinking and students' self-determination by reflecting on the societal significance and contradictions in areas touched by the human and health sciences and treating students as equitable discussion partners.
Key objectives: Faculty Organisation
A cooperative relationship between support staff, students and teaching faculty calls for the successful implementation of goals and tasks.
This is facilitated by:
- development of a Faculty culture that fosters discourse,
- targeted HR planning and development in context of the Faculty's profile,
- development and application of participatory procedures of quality assurance
- sustainable advice and support services (e.g. the Faculty's Study Center and Placements Office).
Moreover, in addition to the above, the Faculty continually strives to enhance organizational development and its system of quality management.
Key objectives: Scholarship and Politics
The issues in the focus of Human and Health Sciences are by nature also ethical and political issues. The Human and Health Sciences can therefore not be content merely to generate insights, but rather at the same time the discipline must take on responsibility for shaping societal relations. To transfer innovation to the practice, it is not only necessary to identify the requirements revealed by empirical research, but also to pave the way for successful implementation. The Faculty faces up to this responsibility towards society by communicating its research findings to policy makers and supporting their practical implementation.
Disciplinary areas and study programs
Study programs in Psychology
B.Sc. Psychology
M.Sc. Business Psychology (in cooperation with Faculty 7)
M.Sc. Clinical Psychology
M.Sc. Neurosciences (in cooperation with Faculties 1 and 2)
Study programs in Health Sciences
B.A. Public Health/Health Sciences
M.A. Public Health - Health Provision, Economics, and Management
M.A. Public Health - Health Promotion and Prevention
M.Sc. Epidemiology
Study programs in Nursing Science
B.A. Nursing Science - joint (for trainee and qualified nursing specialists)
M.A. Vocational Education Nursing Science
M.Sc. Community and Family Health Nursing
Study programs in Continuing Education
M.A. Leadership and Organisational Development (in cooperation with Faculty 7)
M.A. Palliative Care
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