Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Home » Aspher directory » Department for Nursing and Health Sciences
UNIVERSITY: Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Fulda, Germany
Fulda, Germany
Department for Nursing and Health Sciences
UNIVERSITY: Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Fulda, Germany
Fulda, Germany
In teaching, research and as an institution Fulda University of Applied Sciences is committed to sustainable development.
Training and further education include, in particular, vocationally oriented qualification, but also the ability to provide a well-founded critical reflection on the relationships between the individual, society and the environment, between future professional practice and social and ecological responsibility. The aim of the study is, in this sense, to promote the formation of responsible personalities who are highly qualified in their subject matter and who live up to the requirements of a humane life perspective. In particular, Fulda University of Applied Sciences promotes the empowerment of its students for democratic participation. One of the constant tasks of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences is to review and further develop the content and forms of study with regard to the development of science and the changes in the professional world.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences promotes the independent research of its members and institutions. The institution sees this research as indispensable for ensuring the quality and continuous improvement of teaching. The goal is responsible treatment of technological and economic development in the sense of a sustainable improvement in the quality of life.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences promotes internationalization through the worldwide exchange of its students and teachers as well as cross-border cooperation in research. The institution prepares the students for the demands of the advancing European integration and globalization and promotes intercultural competences. It continuously increases its attractiveness for international students through suitable study programs.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences is a family and community friendly facility. It strives for a family-conscious organization of the working and study conditions and supports to a large extent their relatives with family responsibilities in the reconciliation of family and study or occupation.
All members of Fulda University of Applied Sciences have the right and duty to participate in self-government and in the tasks of study reform and higher education reform. The University of Applied Sciences Fulda contributes to the social and cultural advancement of its members, in particular it promotes the participation possibilities of the students. It takes into account the special needs of the disabled and promotes the disabled-friendly expansion of Fulda University of Applied Sciences. In the performance of its tasks, it seeks to eliminate the shortcomings of women in higher education and society.”
Aims and objectives Department for Nursing and Health in education:
Promote health, provide health care to the sick and those in need
Social developments and policy decisions have a significant impact on the distribution of health opportunities in and between countries, on people’s access to affordable and effective health care, and on the interprofessional cooperation in the health sector. If you want to change the conditions and determinants of health; if you would like to improve health care for pregnant women, sick and needy people; if you want to contribute to shaping health care structures and institutions; if you want to know what works and what does not, you will need a scientifically sound and practically oriented training. You find both right where research of the respective topics and questions occurs. We investigate how to improve population health. You are invited to participate, from the first semester on.
Aims and objectives research Department for Nursing and Health in research:
Research for Better Care
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences is committed to conducting applied research with the aim of providing new insights into health promotion, patient-oriented health care, and the academic development of health professions other than the medical profession, and to make these insights available to practitioners in the field.
Research at the department is conducted in third-party funded research projects, in study projects as part of Bachelor's and Master's study programmes, by assigning research-oriented thesis topics of practical relevance, by collaborating with academic teaching facilities and with internship partners of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, both in Germany and abroad. Results are published in the department's own series, pg-papers. The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences is an active member of HessIP, the Hessian Institute of Nursing Research, founded in 2001 as a joint research institute by the three Hessian universities of applied sciences offering nursing programmes. Researchers at the department are also actively involved in gFFZ, the Centre of Gender and Women's Studies of the Hessian universities.
In December 2009, the department initiated, in collaboration with the Department of Nutritional, Food, and Consumer Sciences, a research and development project titled Gesundheitsfördernde Hochschule Fulda (Fulda University as a Health Promoting University), which was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection. The project is guided by opportunities for implementing models of good practice and uses a setting-based approach, i.e., it involves all stakeholder groups at the university and considers all health relevant aspects at different levels of action.
Research at Fulda Public Health Centre
Aims and tasks: Making interdisciplinary study of public health
The Fulda Public Health Centre is an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental and interuniversity institution. It focuses on coordinating and concentrating research and knowledge transfer in the discipline of public health. At the centre, health research always considers the social, political and economic development of the societies studied, with a special focus on nutrition.
The centre specialises in a number of fields of research, all of which are characterised by a level of diversity corresponding to the interdisciplinary nature of public health studies.g focused and collaborative health research visible.The discipline of public health comes under “Health, nutrition and food,” the first of the three focus areas of research that together form the profile of Fulda University of Applied Sciences.
In recognition of the extensive public health research capabilities at Fulda University of Applied Sciences, the state of Hesse granted the university the right to independently award doctoral degrees in public health (Dr. P.H) in December 2016 (a rarity among German universities of applied sciences).
• Coordinating and supporting public health research activities
• Developing and implementing interdisciplinary public health research projects
• Expanding and refining the public health-related research infrastructure
• Communicating research results to the academic community and the general public in a serial publication (planned)
• Regular lecture series, public fora and academic conferences
• Supporting student projects in theory and practice as well as educating and training junior researchers by involving them in the centre’s research activities
• Supporting and promoting public health doctoral dissertations
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