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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
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Jeffrey Levett

Open International Online Debate Response: Is artificial intelligence (AI) dangerous?
Open International Online Debate Is artificial intelligence (AI) dangerous? BK TESLA INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ART AND INVENTION Alfa BK University, Belgrade
Philosophy the last responder: Rescuing humanity from self-destruction
Public health is a rare lamp pushing back the dark shadows of vulnerability, misfortune and poverty. JL Public health often seems unnecessary to decision makers fearful of having to give up some crumbs...
Philosophy and Health: The 13th Dialectical Symposium of the World Philosophical Forum 2022
Our problems keep growing, become more complex and ever more confusing to us. They contribute to fear and mental disturbance.  On the other hand our leaders show few success stories, have few new...
Scholasticism is alive and well: living with social dementia Survival is a race between global civic education and global destruction
Download the World Philosophical Forum's Easter message on Ukraine. Jeffrey Levett International Gusi Peace Prize Laureate Honorary President, World Philosophical Forum ….it is quite normal...
Blunder on the Clyde | Until all seas gang dry my dears
A cup of kindness yet and wait for Auld Lang Syne Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II-In memory of Muriel Noreen who protested nuclear weapons when I was a boy Both wore a poppy
  Ghostly coal...
Jeffrey Levett proclaimed Honorary President World Philosophical Forum
Jeffrey Levett is an International Gusi Peace Laureate awarded for services to international public health and dissemination of Greek philosophical ideas. It is designated the foremost award in Asia and...
Hi Michelle, Hello Mrs. Obama, Dear First Lady
        The old gentleman knows that she no longer knows him. She always looks away but he knows her. So he always holds her hand as the love of his life.   Greetings from...
Search for honest appraisal with trust
Jeffrey Levett, International Gusi Peace Prize Laureate I have seen flowers come in stony places, And kind things done by men with ugly faces, And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races, So...
A seat for Canute ? Leaders bring your own Chairs
The Geneva Summit 16/6/2021 Biden routing racism, Putin’s sea of waste
  We know how to pile up falsehoods that look genuine; we also know when we wish how to utter truths. (Hesiod) While...
Sinking Submarine without Life Support
May Day, May Day, the world has gone mad. Markets and money have gained overwhelming control of people and natural resources. Models have become weapons. The Capitol has been stormed. Myanmar’s military...
Conversations with a Bhutanese Minister and plea of Leniency for the Kings Bay 7
In My Funny Quarantine I told my cyber-audience in the Arts that as the pandemic coronavirus was emerging I started a one on one conversation with the Minister of Education of Bhutan Mr. Thakur S. Powdyel,...
ASPHER’s prestigious Andrija Ĺ tampar Medal, no shield against COVID
Peter Piot, Director, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine became a Štampar Medalist in 2014. His Laudatio was given by Yehuda Neumark (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and it was awarded...
Andrija Ĺ tampar in COVID’S Aftermath of Time A global voice of yesteryear for tomorrow
Jeffrey Levett is a regular contributor to Wall Street International Magazine. Read his articles here. Homer gave us the first ever description of an epidemic that swept through the Greek ranks outside...
2019 in Relief Reviewed: In the Rain-In a Taxi, On a Rough Rough Road To Peace
Dragon dancers celebrate in Manila, Philippines, on Jan. 25. Photo: Jes Aznar/Getty Images 2019, was a vintage year of incredible tastes, colors and bouquets. However, the vintner did not manage to...
Athens Appealing: Reforming Greek Public Health
Full-article Wall Street International, 27 March 2017
http// By Jeffrey Levett  One hundred years ago several eminent scholars with their...
Athens ASPHER Celebration, 25-27 May, 2016 - BLOG 2
Dear Colleagues,
The approaching CELEBRATION is fast upcoming! Stated differently, we are approaching the upcoming celebration!
As promised, we are trying to maintain your awareness level of...
Athens ASPHER Celebration, 25-27 May, 2016 - BLOG 1
Dear ASPHER Members, Colleagues and Fellow Ramblers,
Let me again thank each and every one of you personally for your support to return ASPHER and its General Assembly [GA] to Athens in 2016, first...