by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Member's blog - Projects
TIPH Lithuanian campaign: School-Children – Ambassadors of Public Health
Author: Faculty of Public Health, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
The TIPH Lithuania Campaign launched in the Faculty of Public Health was aiming at various public health initiatives for school-children. The aim of the project was to enable school-children to become the ambassadors of public health to disseminate the ideas of public health among their school communities and families. In order to reach this purpose, the TIPH team of Faculty teachers and students in collaboration with partners from the Gymnasium of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and the Municipality Bureau of Public Health of Kaunas City prepared the activities package for implementation of the following objectives: to motivate school-children to disseminate the idea of public health to their families and communities by organizing a cycle of interactive lessons and activities. The pilot model of the TIPH project implementation in the Gymnasium of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in a second stage of campaign was implemented in all schools and gymnasiums of Kaunas with help of specialists of the Municipality Bureau of Public Health.
The implementation of the pilot model was successful; we are very proud to have achieved such a high level of gymnasium community involvement in all organized events.
Contest: Together We Will Beat Antibiotic Resistance
The contest “Together We Will Beat Antibiotic Resistance” was the first proactive event of the campaign. Faculty lecturers and students organised trainings with gymnasium students on antibiotic resistance. During the final contest, the teams of gymnasium students, through various creative performances, demonstrated their understanding of what antibiotic resistance is. They were evaluated and awarded by Faculty members and the Management group of antibiotic resistance in the Kaunas region.
Figure: Publication of the “Together we will beat antibiotic resistance” event in the local peer reviewed medical journal “Lithuanian General Practitioner”.
Health Education Day 2020
A large group of lecturers of the Faculty of Public Health were on hand at the LSMU Gymnasium celebration “Health Education Day 2020” to present important public health topics.
Figure: Lecturers at the LSMU Gymnasium Health Education Day 2020 celebration.
Physical Activity in my Gymnasium
The project “Physical Activity in my Gymnasium” during which pupils under coordination of the Faculty teachers and students promoted the ideas of physical activity during breaks in school time. Three teams of students worked on this and three different ideas of physical activity were prepared and presented in a Gymnasium assembly.
Figures: Publication in the LSMU Gymnasium Newspaper; Roll-up posters with the TIPH campaign statement in English and Lithuanian decorated the activity spaces.
These physical activities covered a whole month during breaks, changing each day. Examples of initiatives implemented by the teams of gymnasium students included sport stops in various spaces of the school, active dancing and a mini orienteering competition).
The pilot model of the This is Public Health Lithuania Campaign initiative was well implemented and prepared for further dissemination to all schools of the Kaunas region. However, it was impossible to fully achieve the broader implementation because of the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. As an alternative, two online workshops were organized in order to spread the experience of good practice in the pilot model of the TIPH Campaign.
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