by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
This issue of the “Zeszyty Naukowe Ochrony Zdrowia. Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarzadzanie” is being published several months after the start of the new and highly devastating phase of the Russia–Ukraine war. This war began already in 2014 in a hybrid form, but on 24th of February 2022, with the brutal Russian aggression on Ukraine, it moved into the phase of open military conflict, with clashes (especially in the eastern and southern territories of Ukraine) resembling those of the Second World War. The reactions of other states and societies have been very diverse worldwide. Nevertheless, the war in Ukraine has become a crucial topic of interest for many stakeholders. The impacts of this war are multifaceted, they must and they do concern the whole world. It is for these reasons that the current issue of the Journal focuses on the Russia–Ukraine war.
The starting point for this set of materials was a critically important seminar titled “War in Ukraine and Public Health,” organized in a hybrid form on 20th of May 2022 in Gdansk by the Medical University of Gdansk together with the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER). The five hour audio-video recording of this event is available on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV0IS3grpUw&t=15648s). Due to the high importance of the topic, the participants of the seminar were asked to prepare written materials, which could be disseminated to a wider audience through the Journal. Some papers have taken the form of conference proceedings or commentaries, while others have been shaped into scientific papers. Altogether, they form a differentiated and important picture of the ongoing war in Europe, together with its consequences for the entire world.
Publication series in Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarzadzanie:
Bochenik T, Balwicki L. Otok R. Introduction.
Senyta I, Public health law and the war in Ukraine: Present and lessons for the future.
Guschuk I, Oleksiuk N. Overview of the state of the Ukrainian healthcare system since the start of the war.
Lopes H. ASPHER in the Ukraine War: An Ethical Mission.
Bochenik T, Chambaud L, Lozen O. Perspective of schools of public health on war in Ukraine - reactions to militaty conflict in Europe and international cooperation.
Cunningham C, Wanschneider L. Framing public health education to meet the needs of professionals for war and peacebuilding: A commentary.
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