by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
Download the July-August 2022 ASPHER Newsletter here!
The Secretariat would like to thank everyone who participated in the ASPHER General Assembly on 7 June. We were pleased to welcome 90 delegates from across our membership and were thrilled to accept 10 new Full and Associate Members. Your participation keeps the Association functioning and growing!
We are now turning our attention to the Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat in Sofia, Bulgaria from 14-16 October where we are looking forward to reuniting and revitalizing our work with you. Be sure to register and submit abstracts for Deans’ and Parallel sessions. ASPHER awards will also be announced at the Retreat, so don’t forget to send your nominations by the end of the summer!
Aside from the Deans’ Retreat, we are also looking ahead to other major Public Health events. ASPHER will participate in and lead several sessions at the EPH Conference in Berlin in November. Be sure to let us know if you are involved in any sessions or presentations so we can add it to the “ASPHER schedule for EPH Berlin 2022” in the October issue of the newsletter. ASPHER is also co-organising the World Congress on Public Health 2023 in Rome with the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). We are thrilled to have the chance to bring the schools’ agenda to the World stage along with increasing the opportunities for ASPHER and our Members to participate in the event. Stay tuned for more to come on WCPH2023!
Our Next Generation Platform has been vitally contributing to the ASPHER agenda, with a YPP & ASSETS joint in person meeting earlier this month. We are welcoming a new Fellow, Karl Conyard, who will assist Prof Mary Codd with the 6th edition update of ASPHER Core Competencies. Meanwhile, the final version of the joint statement on Climate and Health has been published thanks to the hard work of Fellows Rana Orhan and Tara Chen in cooperation with EUHPP. Fellow Lisa Wandschneider, with the assistance of Emma Schlegel has been collecting your responses to the Survey on Diversity and Intersectionality – if you and your colleagues haven’t responded yet there is still time until the 29th of July! Intern Tessa Brake has wrapped up her time at ASPHER Headquarters, be sure to read her blog about Public Health’s role in geopolitical grievances. We also congratulate our recent Young Researchers’ Forum participants and winners and update you on the work of the 2021 Forum winner, Alejandro Gonzalez-Aquines with his blog on corruption in health systems during Covid-19.
ASPHER Task Forces on Covid-19,, Public Health & War and PHW Professionalisation are continuing their work over the summer. They all need able bodies and minds to contribute to their work – contact us if a representative from your programme would like to get involved.
Of course, don’t miss out on the news and events from Members and Partners! We have compiled an extensive list of recent member publications to fill your summer reading along with the President’s messages, and are sharing several opportunities to respond to calls for papers with your own work. Enjoy your summer!
Best wishes.
ASPHER Secretariat
Please don’t forget to share your news, publications, comments & suggestions with Lore at lore.leighton@aspher.org to be included in the next regular issue of the newsletter and on the ASPHER website activity log.
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Aspher SecretariatUM Brussels Campus
Av de l'Armée / Legerlaan 10
BE-1040 Brussels