Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
Home » Secretariat updates » April-May 2021 ASPHER Newsletter

Secretariat updates

April-May 2021 ASPHER Newsletter
20 May 2021


Download the April-May 2021 ASPHER Newsletter here!

ASPHER Secretariat hopes you will appreciate this edition of the ASPHER newsletter. It is quite rich in content with exciting news from the Next Generation and Global Collaborations – two of the enabling areas of the ASPHER 2025 Agenda.

From the Next Generation, we bring you an update from Rana Orhan, ASPHER’s 2021 Fellow working on Climate Action and Health. She has been working on adapting the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE)'s competencies to the European context. She will present the work this Thursday during European Public Health Week. She also has a new publication in the form of an ASPHER Statement Towards Carbon Neutrality stemming from her time as ASPHER Intern.

Meanwhile, Ines Siepmann reports on the ASPHER Young Professionals group which will be calling for applications for a new intake from 4 June – 1 July 2021. Let your student and alumni networks know about the opportunity! ASPHER YPs have been integral to several of the items reported this and every month including: the ASPHER Public Health Erosion Statement, COVID-19 Vaccination subgroup publications, and Covid-19 Weekly Situation Reporting.

On the Global Collaboration front, the Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH) has announced the 2021 TIPH Global Awards. We congratulate all the winners including five ASPHER Members! Collaboration is necessary within Europe as well, leading ASPHER and EUPHA to unite for strong Public Health leadership. Don’t miss out on our joint EUPHW event this Friday

We trust that you have already marked your calendars for the ASPHER General Assembly Friday 4 June 2021 from 14:00-17:00 CEST via Zoom. We will have plenty of business to attend to and we hope you are already reviewing the changes proposed to ASPHER’s Statutes. We will have three open seats for the ASPHER Executive Board, please submit nominations by Friday 28 May and help us to steer ASPHER’s future direction! This is also the last chance to nominate candidates for the Andrija Stampar and Deans’ & Directors’ Good Practice Awards.

ASPHER is excited to have just signed a contract for a project developing vaccination and vaccine hesitancy training for ECDC. Our other ECDC project Updating Core Competencies for Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (UCCAIDE) is entering its final phase – you will hear more on that in upcoming newsletters. And the ERASMUS+ SEEEPHI project has begun work. If you want to learn more about SEEEPHI and applying EU tools locally, please join us at the EUPHW round table this Wednesday.

The newsletter also contains the latest work from ASPHER’s COVID-19 task force as well as ASPHER Member and Partner news and events. Be sure you don’t miss out on opportunities including several open calls for papers. Please enjoy!

Please don’t forget to share your news, publications, comments & suggestions with Lore at to be included in the next regular issue of the newsletter and on the ASPHER website activity log.


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