by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
The Health Information Capacity Survey
The InfAct - Joint Action on Health Information project is collecting information based on the opinion of Public Health experts aimed at characterizing existing capacities and training needs for the use and management of health information by public health professionals in EU Member States and associated countries.
The survey aims at characterizing existing capacities and training needs for the use and management of health information by public health professionals in EU Member States and associated countries. Considering the objective of the survey and the need to gather elements for the creation of a flagship training program in health information, a qualitative, exploratory and expert opinion based approach is proposed.
The main concepts covered by the Survey include:
Health Information is the data and knowledge that health professionals use to support their decisions, usually available in the health information systems.
Health Information Systems - Refer to any system that captures, stores, manages or reports information related to the health of individuals or populations, or the activities of health organisations, such as
- routine information systems,
- disease surveillance systems
- laboratory systems,
- patient records systems
- Resource management systems.
It also includes aspects related with working processes (e.g. decision-making), people skills and technology. At a policy level, decisions informed by evidence contribute to more efficient resource allocation and, at the delivery level, information about the quality and effectiveness of services can contribute to better outcomes.
InfAct has designed a special version of the Survey intended for ASPHER Members and is calling for participants. They ask that each participating Institution should designate a focal point responsible for gathering the information and completing the survey.
The focal point will be in contact with the WP6team (we will have a first meeting via skype to discuss details) and will be in charge of:
- Identify the experts who can help to get/estimate the information
- Collect the data (or estimate) to complete the survey and send it on time
- Clarify doubts that arise during data analysis
For more information, see the pdf version of the survey, the manual containing a brief introduction to the Survey and instructions for completing it, and the online version of the survey.
If your institution is interested in participating, please mail Lore Leighton:
All inquiries about completing the Survey should be directed to the WP6 team member highlighted to follow the process.
André Beja
+351 965 630 903 (WhatsApp)
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