Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
Home » Secretariat updates » ASSETS 2024 ASPHER MENTORING SUMMER SCHOOL

Secretariat updates

29 Mar 2024

Tuesday-Friday 08-11 October, Brussels

Who is ASSETS for?

Ambitious early career public health professionals (whether from academia/junior faculty and advanced students, or graduates in city/regional administration, national civil service, private sector or others) who wish to attain confidence and career guidance in the field of public health are encouraged to apply.

What does ASSETS offer?

The Andrija Stampar Summer Educational & Tutoring School (ASSETS) offers an exclusive educational mentoring programme tailored to initiate fruitful learning experiences. ASSETS seeks to strengthen public health professionals in their field of expertise and professional identity through the concept of career mentoring from distinguished and recognized experts in the field of public health.

Instead of a classical school with multiple lectures, each participant brings a schematic idea, about a practical experience, project, thesis or career challenge within the public health and/or health system scope that can be presented in class in front of the experts and their peers. These presentations thus create the input of the subsequent real-world problem based mentoring session.

ASSETS 2024 Faculty

Prof Selma Sogoric
ASSETS 2024 co-Director 
Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, Croatia

Prof John Middleton
ASSETS 2024 co-Director 
ASPHER Past President
University of Wolverhampton, UK

Prof Kasia Czabanowska
ASPHER Past President
Maastricht University, Netherlands

Prof Andi Mzwandile Mabhala
ASPHER Executive Board
University of Chester, UK 

Prof Jose M Martin-Moreno
ASPHER Past President
ASSETS Founding Director & ASSETS 2024 Guest Faculty
University of Valencia, Spain

In addition to dedicated faculty mentors, members of the ASPHER Executive Board and representatives from other Brussels-based public health organisations will be on hand to provide enriched content and contacts.


ASPHER Member discounted fee: 500 EUR (availble to senior students, alumni and early career faculty of ASPHER member institutions)

Regular Fee: 1000 EUR

Come take part in a unique career setting experience in the heart of Brussels!

Email if you are interested.

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