by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
European Schools of Public Health call for action on Climate Change and Health
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) issued a statement today on the occasion of the first COP health day. It calls for urgent action on climate change and health in seven points. The ‘ASPHER Statement for COP28. A call for action in seven points’ is available here.
For the first time at this COP28 on Sunday the 3rd of December, a full day is devoted to Climate Change and Health. The impact of climate change on health is an urgent and demanding public health emergency. ASPHER is taking the occasion of this COP28 to issue a statement calling for immediate action in seven points.
The ‘ASPHER Statement for COP28: A call for action in seven points’ outlines the perspectives of Schools of Public Health concerning the measures required on Climate Change and Health to limit the impact for human populations, ecosystems and the future of our planet.
Populations are already living with the effects and suffering the health consequences of global climate disruption. Continued procrastination will only exacerbate this planetary challenge.
"With this COP 28, it is now impossible to address climate change without looking at health impacts. This is why Schools of Public Health play a key role in building, consolidating and disseminating knowledge and fostering action.” - Laurent Chambaud, ASPHER Climate and Health Lead
Download the statement: Original version (English); Arabic version; French version; Greek version; Hebrew version; Italian version; Polish version; Portuguese version
We welcome further translations. If you don’t find the statement in your local language and could provide a translation, please let us know.
Laurent.CHAMBAUD@aspher.org - ASPHER Climate & Health Lead
Tara.CHEN@aspher.org - ASPHER Climate & Health Fellow
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