by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
The fourth edition of the textbook ‘The New Public Health’ from respected authors Theodore H. Tulchinsky, Elena A. Varavikova, and Matan J. Cohen has been published.
The New Public Health has established itself as a solid textbook throughout the world. Translated into 7 languages, this work distinguishes itself from other public health textbooks, which are either highly locally oriented or, if international, lack the specificity of local issues relevant to students' understanding of applied public health in their own setting.
Fully revised, the fourth edition of The New Public Health, Fourth Edition provides a unified approach to public health appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students especially for courses in MPH, community health, preventive medicine, community health education programs, community health nursing programs. It is also a valuable resource for health professionals requiring an overview of public health.
Instructors may request a copy of NPH4 for adoption for a course or for a review by first opening an account on Elsevier Educate and then going to this link to request a gratis copy.
Excerpt from: Targeting Ted in celebration the old through the new
Review by Jeffrey Levett
While it has nothing to do with a Ted Talk, it does relate to talk about Ted, Tulchinsky of course. Congratulations! It is encouraging for me to think of an open carnet and several more dances. Slow but definite.
What I like most in Andrija Štampar is that he remained faithful to his early values. Ted Tulchinsky a Štampar Laureate knows full well that public health still and will constitute one basic element and practical ingredient, for mankind’s hope for a future and he still pushes for it. The Skopje Declaration: Public Health, Peace, and Human Rights (circa 2000) expressed the social conscience of public health, proclaimed its union with peace and human rights, and called for support for the ethics and value systems of the United Nations, World Health Organization, and the Council of Europe. It targeted a reduction of vulnerability and the development of disaster preparedness. On ASPHER’s 50th anniversary the Athens ASPHER Accord (AAA) reiterated concern for the predicament of rising vulnerability and the need for public health preparation for problems engulfing Europe. (…) In my early moments with ASPHER, 1984 through Eric Kroger I recall the enthusiasm around the new public health and Kohler.
[In] (…) congratulating Ted upon its 4th edition and more so for his great determination, holding on to resilience as our age vulnerability rises. As I think of the great repository of knowledge of members of the ASPHER Honours Platform, I recall the poetic words of the wise old Woman abandoned by her tribe, oh that I should die, I who know so much… All the wisdom of women… It will miss me. So I hope Ted finds the time to add further to his contributions. I’m not going to refer to him as Heracles (as Štampar was!) just because he is, his Laureate. Don’t forget that in my notes you (Ted) are half a one, since you shared it with Ulrich Laser who got the other half. In a case of two birds and one stone.My wish, let him keep up the good work. Congratulations to Ulrich Laaser too, for his WFPHA Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Global Health awarded at the World Congress on Public Health in Rome, with excellence in the next bit of a lifetime.
The comment of Peter J. Hotez, saying that The New Public Health textbook provides the fundamentals and foundations comprising the core elements required for public health systems to be strengthened and ready for long-term development needs some further qualification as health becomes more privatized and needed clinical medicine more profitable.
[From] (…) the Flyer of the New Public Health, it is established as a solid textbook throughout the world and translated into 7 languages. It tells us that turbulent times produce emergent challenges and profound transformations, making it especially important for us to recall that turbulent times in history have always been accompanied by response to emerging challenges. If Ted’s 4th edition textbook survives Armageddon and is found under ash on some lonely beach by Stone Age archeologists it will be found useful and may become the first artifact in some museum and a breakthrough in public health.
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