by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
The member's events calendar is prepared in partnership with goinginternational.eu information platform for higher education in the fields of biomedicine, public health international health and humanitarian assistance.
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Members' events
Organiser: Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care
Contact: https://www.1ka.si/a/87b745c0
Healthcare professionals at the centre of digital transformation in health care(Closing conference of the project DELIVER)
24 November 2023, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are the core of Digital Transformation in Healthcare. The digital transformation of health is dramatically requesting the use of digital technology in European health care systems. HCPs are core in accelerating the digital transformation of health. The EU Joint Action Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting states digital skills are an important future skill for healthcare workers. Healthcare professionals will require knowledge on how to transfer their health-related skills to the new digitalised healthcare paradigm.
At the conference we will point out:
- the importance of digitalization at healthcare
- digital competences of healthcare professionals – needs analysis in international perspective
- organisational analysis of digital transformation
- promotion of the digital transformation among healthcare professionals: policy recommendations.
DELIVER (Digital EducationaL programme invoIVing hEalth pRofessionals) inspires to enhance the digital skills of HCPs by supporting the digital transformation of health within European regions.
Sanela PivaÄ, PhD, Assistant Professor
Dean, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care
You will be able to join us in Ljubljana or via Zoom.
There is no registration fee, but we kindly ask that you register HERE.
Additional information about the DELIVER project is available here.
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