by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Member's blog - Projects
January TIPH Campaign Update
Author: CAPHRI Maastricht
During January, there have been significant developments in the way the TIPH Campaign Team of Maastricht University operates. First and foremost, the student committee responsible for planning and organising the campaign has changed to include a core group of students more dedicated to the cause of this campaign. The already established student groups are still the backbone of the campaign, generating ideas and performing actions. Moreover, the campaign planning document mentioned in our last report has been shortened and mainstreamed to include the main ideas each group would like to include in the video. Additionally, the TIPH committee has been continuing to keep up with social media posts which highlight public health initiatives within the city, including green spaces for walking and running that have replaced highways in the neighbourhood.
During the last week of January, we received training on how to shoot professional videos and how to make appealing looking posts. Nonetheless our newly acquired skills have not yet been utilised in our already published posts of this month. In addition to the video training, we also had a meeting with a video shooter, who is willing to assist us in shooting a variety of activities from the campaign planning document and editing the final video. The committee agreed in meeting on the 4th February to finalise the details of the video, so that we may start shooting. The actual shooting will take place on the days that best suit the Mayor of Maastricht and the Director of Maastricht University (due to our desire to include these individuals in the video).
- Maastricht University TIPH Campaign Team
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